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Support those impacted by California wildfires.
Charlotte Community Affairs Professionals
Zoom Webinar
Charlotte, NC 28202
United States
On Sept. 14, Charlotte Community Affairs Professionals held a webinar presented by Stanley Litow, author of The Challenge for Business and Society: From Risk to Reward.
CCAP members and corporate fundholders to learned more about hot topics facing corporations and CSR professionals in today’s challenging times.
Stanley Litow is a professor at both Columbia and Duke University, where he also serves as Innovator in Residence.
He previously served as President of the IBM International Foundation and as Deputy Chancellor of Schools for the City of New York. Before his service at IBM and the NYC public schools, he served as President and Founder of Interface and as Executive Director of the NYC Urban Corps, operated out of the Mayor’s Office.
Litow helped create P-TECH, an innovative school to college to career program, as well as the IBM Corporate Service Corps, often referenced as the corporate version of the Peace Corps.
Click here to view the recording.